Alumni interview Global Sports Business master, Erwan Billot
Studies before AMOS
My name is Erwan Billot, I am from Toulouse and after my Baccalaureate, I have completed a DUT in marketing which has opened my mind to different sectors such as marketing, communication, and finance. After being graduated, I completed my undergraduate program, with a specialization in tourism management and engineering. During this year, I had the opportunity to pursue my education in Barcelona as part of an academic program with the UAB. It was an insightful experience to study abroad.
Once I graduated, I decided to take a gap year before doing a master’s degree. I had done some research and managed to get an internship in the marketing department of L’Oréal in Paraguay for 8 months. It was a brilliant experience and has helped a lot to improve my spanish.
AMOS Global Sports Business Master (GSBM)
Once back in France, I knew it was the right time to finally complete my studies. One of the things I’ve enjoyed the most over the years is sports, not only exercising but the actual organisation of events and their promotions.
I remembered that a few years ago, I have got in touch with AMOS as I was interested in their Bachelor programme, so I decided to get back to them. I had a phone call with a Campus director who explained to me the Global Sports Business Master and I loved it. It was a combination of sponsorships, sports management, innovations, events, and marketing. On top of that, it was an international programme which fitted my expectations.
I have done the first year of this master’s degree in the campus of Lille (one of the many campuses they have in France), which was brilliant, Lille is a fantastic place to study as a young person. By the end of the first year, I had the opportunity to move to Australia, to complete the second half of the GSBM in a partner university, which was very tempting, but I ended up deciding to move to London.
London was the perfect opportunity for me to improve my English and to be in one of the best cities in the world when it comes to sporting events. Once in the UK, the AMOS London staff has welcomed us with open arms. Joanne and Guillaume were there every day to make sure that we had everything needed at our disposal so we could fully focus on studying and enjoying what the city had to offer.
My favourite class over the semester was the innovation module with Robert T Blaszczak, a very passionate and kind lecturer, we were studying and discussing innovative start-ups as well as new technologies. I already knew it would be of benefit for me and as the future has shown me, I was RIGHT.
Internship, first job and future inspirations
During the last 6 months of the GSBM, we must do an internship, I originally wanted to stay in the UK for this period, but the Covid situation and the fact that I had found an interesting internship in France had changed my plan.
I started my internship in a B2B agency named La Source, created a couple of years ago. We are an agency focused on sports and digital, and we help start-ups to enter the European market. We are using our expertise to help them design innovative strategies to become successful in the EU market.
It is an intensive job but very rewarding at the same time. Some of the organisations we are working with are Sports Federations and well-known European clubs which adds some prestige to it! The best part of it is that at the end of my internship, they offered me a full-time position, which I accepted!
Many things that I’ve learned while studying the GSBM are part of my everyday life such as speaking English, the knowledge of the sports industry, innovations, sponsorship, and professionalism.
Regarding my objectives in the coming years, I need to keep on learning and get as much knowledge and experience as I can, and eventually work for a Federation or a Football Club in their marketing–sponsoring department!
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Un diplôme de niveau bac+5 est courant pour ce type de métier. Un bachelor associé à un master ou un Programme Grande École en 5 ans permet de développer des compétences diverses. En effet, en plus d’élargir ses connaissances sur le marché du sport, les étudiants se spécialisent dans le management, la communication et le marketing du sport.