Student interview Joseph, Global Sport Business Master in Paris

21 years, 3 countries, 1 journey
H. Jackson Brown Jr. once said, « Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the ones you did do », and if there was a student that embodied this mindset, it would be our Global Sport Business Master student Joseph Vincent De Perez, currently based in Paris.
Born in Auxerre (France) from a Spanish dad and an English mother, Joseph grew up in London (where his mum was transferred to work) until he was 7 years old then moved to Spain where he did his primary and secondary school in an international campus.
Perfectly fluent in 3 languages (French, English and Spanish) by the time he turned 18, Joseph decided to pursue his undergraduate studies in an international environment. Although tempted by the high standards and reputation of economic studies, Joseph followed his heart and went to Kent (England) to study a 3-year Sport Management Programme. With 300 hours of work placement and some solid knowledge about sports business, Joseph graduated from the British University, and decided to look for a Masters in which he could develop his international network as well as gain experience from high-end sports professionals
« Whilst in my last year as an undergraduate in Kent, I was actively looking for the best Masters degree in Europe, which is when I found AMOS Paris. The location was perfect as I never had the opportunity to live in the French Capital before. Learning from sports professionals, traveling the world to study diverse global markets was the perfect occasion to do so, and I almost thought that it was a scam. But no, so far AMOS delivered on what it has promised. On the first week of class, we had to do a presentation in front of the ex-directors of Nike France and Gucci, this is exactly what I had signed up for! »
His relationship with sports
Our polyglot student has always been a sports aficionado, « I started playing football in England when I was 4 years old and continued in every country I lived in. When I was in Spain, I was scouted to play for the Valencia Academy, which I did for a few years, but I was realistic, and I knew that a career as football player would be extremely difficult ».
However, last year, while living in the UK, our AMOScian was scouted again, this time, to play 5-a-side in the first English division. « I was playing semi-professionally on BT Sport and travelling across the UK. Playing on a regular basis against the best players like the captain of Northern Ireland». A fantastic experience that he wishes to live again, in Paris this time, maybe?
Starting his international career
Although many students are attracted to sports clubs or event management, Joseph is targeting a career in management within worldwide organisations such as Nike, Puma, or Red Bull. But for now, his next challenge is to work for the Atlético Madrid Club as part of a summer job, and we wish him the very best in this fantastic opportunity.
Written by Guillaume Faure, Communication Officer AMOS London
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Découvrez nos formations
Un diplôme de niveau bac+5 est courant pour ce type de métier. Un bachelor associé à un master ou un Programme en 5 ans permet de développer des compétences diverses. En effet, en plus d’élargir ses connaissances sur le marché du sport, les étudiants se spécialisent dans le management, la communication et le marketing du sport.