From Healthcare to International Sport Business

Lena Carie Loupias, who formerly graduated and worked as a nurse, decided to change the trajectory of her professional life when she joined AMOS Sport Business School in the first year of the international masters’ programme.
“When I joined AMOS, I wanted to do part of my studies abroad and improve my English. Coming from a different industry (Healthcare sector), I knew that I needed to seize every opportunity over the next couple of years to learn as much as I could about the sports business industry”.
“When you are part of the international programme, AMOS provides you with a list of partnered universities. I had, at first, opted for the United States, as I thought that there would be the biggest opportunities there in terms of sports management, but I ended up changing my mind and flew away to Australia. The International College Management in Sydney (ICMS) provides courses in event management, which is the area that I am interested in. The campus is located next to the beach, which is perfect for practising aquatic sports. All in all, it was a perfect choice.”
Australian studies:
“We must choose two modules over 11 weeks. The Australian system works towards helping all students to succeed. We have a lot of support around us, whether it is someone helping us rephrase our sentences, or teaching us how to do our referencing right, help is always provided during, and after the classes.”
Having the chance to study for a year on the other side of the world is also the perfect opportunity to do sightseeing and experience local cultures. “I made friends with a few Australians, we went on a trip to the south of the country, to a skiing station. I also spent a weekend in the countryside, and we went a few times around Sydney. It is a great start, but with another six months in front of me, I know that I’ll be able to do a lot more”.
Sports in Australia:
Travels aside, Lena attended a few sporting events, a Basketball game, a rodeo, and a surf competition. “I can see the enthusiasm that Australians have for sports, it is like the US, to give you an example: we were 21,000 thousand people attending a Basketball game. It was an awesome experience”.
A passion for Extreme Sports:
Approaching slowly but surely the end of her Masters, Lena is already focusing on what will be coming next. “This experience in Australia confirmed what I always thought: I want to live abroad. I am currently looking to find an internship. I’d love to work in Extreme Sports, so having a position at Red Bull would be fantastic for me. I am developing my network and hopefully, I will be successful.”
A word to the future AMOScians:
To conclude this interview, we asked her if she had tips to give to the future generations of AMOScians. “When choosing the university, do not only focus on the location but much more on the courses that are provided. While being in a great environment is important, making sure that you’re learning and developing your skills is crucial.
The second tip is: do not hesitate, just go, and have fun! You will meet plenty of lovely people along the way, you will discover so many things about their cultures and yourself. It will be a wonderful experience.”
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Un diplôme de niveau bac+5 est courant pour ce type de métier. Un bachelor associé à un master ou un Programme en 5 ans permet de développer des compétences diverses. En effet, en plus d’élargir ses connaissances sur le marché du sport, les étudiants se spécialisent dans le management, la communication et le marketing du sport.